
Iris for Healthcare

Standards Support

DICOM Networking, Viewing and HL7 Support integrated


Form Fields, Designs, Workflows customizable without loosing updatability


From small department solutions to tens of thousands of users we can scale wherever the project takes us

Custom Healthcare Solutions

An organization only remains competitive when it can change, Healthcare is no different. Standard software is too inflexible and truly custom software is not generic enough.

Based on our superior IRIS platform extended with

  • HL7 & DICOM Support included
  • Connect to existing IHE conformant solutions
  • Easy to use Dicom Viewer included
  • Secure Dicom Email
  • Healthcare Specific Forms and Designs included to get started
All IRIS Platform Benefits

  • Changes forms without developers in the loop
  • Audited access
  • Clients for Windows 7,8,10 | OSX | Linux
  • Hosted | On-Premises Hardware
  • Multi-language Support ( including RTL )
  • Mobile support included ( Android, iOS, Windows 10 )
  • Simple licensing


Whether you needs a PACS, a Custom Information System, an Integration System we have the components to customize irisMed to do it.

Customizable Forms and Designs

Often customers require small changes to make the standard solution fit perfectly. With irisMed this is possible without disabling updateability

User Friendly

We believe in user experiences scaling with the complexity of the task. The UI should always start simple and allow users to explore more advanced features without overloading the UI.

Integrated Auditing

All changes performed against the system from user or business rule alike is automatically and persistently audited

Integrated Anonymization

When certain users should not be able to see patient identifiable information or other sensitve form fields can be tagged to be excluded, replaced or blackened. Support personnel will no longer need to see sensitive information for most help-case scenarios.

Integrated Version History

irisMed keeps versions of all documents automatically. Old documents can be retrieved exactly as they looked whenever a change was made.

Continuous Updates

All supported solutions receive regular baseline updates for security and stability

Web-based Dicom Viewer included

When creating healthcare applications just collecting form-data or standard documents is not enough. Sometimes you just need to show data in context of alongside DICOM files, CR,CT,MR,OT,SC and others such as MPEG-4 etc.